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Don't You Think It's Time You Got The Service You Deserve!

Betasan All Purpose Sanitiser Wipes - 200 sheets

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Betasan all purpose sanitiser wipes (200 wipes) is a small size tub, perfect to carry on you, in your car or luggage bag.

The solution has a residual effect and remains active on a surface for hours if not removed. For use on all countertops, trolleys, baskets, childrenʼs toys, handles, computers and any surface that requires cleaning and sanitising. Betasan™ all purpose sanitiser wipes 70% alcohol content formula has been SABS approved to kill 99.9% of known pathogens


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Betasan all purpose sanitiser wipes (200 wipes) is a small size tub, perfect to carry on you, in your car or luggage bag.

The solution has a residual effect and remains active on a surface for hours if not removed. For use on all countertops, trolleys, baskets, childrenʼs toys, handles, computers and any surface that requires cleaning and sanitising. Betasan™ all purpose sanitiser wipes 70% alcohol content formula has been SABS approved to kill 99.9% of known pathogens



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