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AC 44 High Foam - Medium Duty Solvent Degreaser

SKU: FT-15/5 Categories: , Tag:

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General cleaning, floors, tiles, linoleum, painted surfaces,  Dilute 1:30 part water.

AC 44 Can be used to remove stains on carpets clothing etc. Can be used with laundry detergents to remove stubborn stains oil and grease stains. It contains sequestrants, surfactants and water soluble solvents.  Dilute 1:3 parts water for stubborn stains.

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General cleaning, floors, tiles, linoleum, painted surfaces,  Dilute 1:30 part water.

AC 44 Can be used to remove stains on carpets clothing etc. Can be used with laundry detergents to remove stubborn stains oil and grease stains. It contains sequestrants, surfactants and water soluble solvents.  Dilute 1:3 parts water for stubborn stains.


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